Residents’ Perception on Tourism Impacts Toward the Support for Tourism Development in Sabang, Indonesia

Ferdi Nazirun Sijabat, Zenitha Maulida, Rifyal Dahlawi, Rita Nengsih, Juli Dwina Puspita Sari


Achieving support from residents is critical matters in sustaining the development of tourism destination. Generally tourism development will have impact on economic, social and environmental, whilst the toursm impacts   will be resulted either in positive or negative impacts. Most study take residents perception in evaluating the relation between tourism impacts and the support for tourism development. This paper aims at investigating resident’s perception on three dimensions of tourism impacts such as economic, social and environmental impacts towards the support for tourism development. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Warp-PLS will be used to test the hypotheses. The result of this study is expected to further contribute for the improvement in tourism development at the destination.


Keywords: residents’ perception, tourism impacts, support for tourism development



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