The large number of migrants who migrated to Banda Aceh made them adjust and mingle with other communities in
socializing. Besides that the demands to meet the needs of the family both economically and education are inseparable
from the level of their children's needs. In the aspect of education where parents do not yet know the route, quality and
school facilities of their children that they will leave to be educated, therefore many parents who have entrusted their
children to a school are disappointed with the school or made a decision on why the school was chosen, some even
dropped out of school or did not go to school anymore because they were unable to meet school fees, or moved schools
closer to their homes or workplaces, because there was no accurate information to parents related to the school.
Departing from this problem the author wants to make a Web-Based Geographic Information System for Mapping
PAUD and TK locations in Banda Aceh City. Data sourced from the Banda Aceh City Education and Culture Office
that in 2018 the number of PAUDs in the Banda Aceh City government was 54 and all were private. Whereas
kindergartens under the auspices of the Banda Aceh city government were 96 TK consisting of 90 kindergarten schools
under private auspices and 6 state-owned kindergarten schools, ranging from TK 1 from Banda Aceh City to TK 6 from
Banda Aceh at Gampong Tibang, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City. The system is able to provide information
about the mapping of PAUD and TK locations in Banda Aceh, this can be seen in the application displayed through
GIS. The system can be used to see the distribution of PAUD and TK by recording all inputted data in the city of Banda
Aceh. The results presented by the system can be used as a means to find out the location of the distribution of both TK,
PAUD, and TK and PAUD.
Full Text:
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