Kata Kunci: Literasi Keuangan, Keuangan Syariah, Akuntabel, Transparan, Aplikasi Web
Knowledge of Sharia financial literacy from an early age is essential, especially when implemented in Dayah. Dayah is an Islamic religious school that is a source of knowledge for developing Islamic education, especially Sharia finance. The implementation of good Islamic finance must be introduced gradually so that understanding Islamic accounting or Islamic finance does not become a taboo subject for the younger generation in the future. From an early age, students know the broad theory and practice of sharia finance, not only what is usually known about halal, haram, or usury. Introducing sharia accounting can start with Dayah cash management which teaches transparency, responsibility, and trust which is implemented in a web system. The aim is to increase Sharia financial literacy, applicability in the application of technology, application of knowledge in technology, and the usefulness of technology in everyday life. This website is the result of previous research which was disseminated and implemented at Dayah Al-Munjiya.Keywords: Financial Literacy, Sharia Finance, Accountable, Transparent, Web ApplicationFull Text:
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