This Community Service Activity (PKM) is a program in the form of a method for applying science and technology which is carried out in the form of business graphic design training using the Corel Draw application. Skills training activities are supported by lectures, questions and answers and of course direct practice at the Keuchik Gampong Pasar Kota Bakti Office. The training module will be given to participants as a tool to assist in practical activities during the training. The aim of implementing this community service program is to improve the skills of village officials and teenagers in Gampong Pasar Kota Bakti village in using the Corel Draw application. In this service activity, our team will help village officials and village youth develop their potential to get job opportunities in the fields of business and design to strengthen the economy so that it is more creative and innovative. Graphic design is a communication process using visual elements, such as typography, photography and illustrations which are intended to create a perception of the message being conveyed. From the evaluation results and findings that we obtained during the implementation of this activity, we can conclude that the business graphic design training program using Corel Draw has been able to provide enormous benefits and is right on target for the village apparatus and village youth of Gampong Pasar Kota Bakti, Sakti District. Pidie Regency is the target audience for this activity. This form of training is a very effective form of providing refreshment and additional insight and new knowledge in the fields of business management and information technology.
Keywords: Training, dedication, graphic design, corel draw.
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