Latar belakang: Tatanan kehidupan baru “new normal†menjadi strategi pemerintah Indonesia guna mengatasi kesulitan ekonomi saat ini. Super market yang awalnya ditutup sudah mulai dibuka, tempat ibadah yang sempat ditutup juga mulai dibuka, dan sekolah yang dulunya sistem pembelajaran dilaksanakan dirumah secara daring (online) perlahan di longgarkan. Sekolah luar biasa (SLB) merupakan suatu sekolah bagi anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus. Sekolah ini terkadang tidak tersentuh oleh pemerintah untuk pemberian edukasi dan persiapan guna menghadapi tatanan kehidupan baru. Pelonggaran atau pemberlakuan tatanan kehidupan baru ini berdampak bila tidak dilakukan strategi yang baik terhadap pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 pada sekolah khusnya SLB. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk mencegah munculnya cluster baru, penyebaran COVID-19 di SLB Cinta Mandiri dan meningkatkan pemahaman, kewaspadaan dalam menghadapi COVID-19 dan tatanan kehidupan baru (New Normal). Metode penyelesaian permasalahan dengan pemberian edukasi, persiapan protokol kesehatan mengenai cara pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19, penerapan standar protokol WHO dan menginisiasi tersedianya sarana dan prasarana kesehatan berupa alat pemeriksaan suhu, jarak minimal 1 meter, pemakai masker dan tempat mencuci tangan. Hasil dan luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu adanya pemahaman terkait pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 , tersedianya protokol kesehatan dan adanya sarana-prasarana penunjang pelayanan kesehatan yang digunakan dalam pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 pada peserta didik SLB.
Kata Kunci : Covid-19,tatanan kehidupan baru, protokol Covid-19
Background: The new "new normal" life order is the Indonesian government's strategy to overcome the current economic difficulties. Super markets that were originally closed have begun to open, places of worship that were closed have also begun to open, and schools that used to be home-based learning systems (online) are slowly being relaxed. Special school (SLB) is a school for children with special needs. This school is sometimes not touched by the government for providing education and preparation to face the new order of life. The easing or implementation of this new life order will have an impact if a good strategy is not implemented to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in schools, especially SLB. The purpose of this activity is to prevent the emergence of new clusters, the spread of COVID-19 at the Cinta Mandiri Special School and to increase understanding, vigilance in dealing with COVID-19 and the new order of life (New Normal). The method of solving problems is by providing education, preparing health protocols on how to prevent the spread of Covid-19, implementing the WHO protocol standard and initiating the availability of health facilities and infrastructure in the form of temperature checks, a minimum distance of 1 meter, wearing masks and washing hands. The results and outputs of this service activity are an understanding of preventing the spread of Covid-19, the availability of health protocols and the existence of supporting facilities for health services used to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in SLB students.
Keywords: Covid-19, new order of life, Covid-19 protocol
Full Text:
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