Hubungan Faktor Sosiodemografi dan Tingkat Konsumsi Suplement Multivitamin Pada Mahasiswa di Kabupaten Sumenep
Pandemi Covid-terjadi diseluruh dunia. Salah satu populasi yang memiliki risiko tinggi adalah remaja. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah paparan Covid-19 adalah dengan mengkonsumsi supplement multivitamin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor sosio demografi dan konsumsi supplement multivitamin pada mahasiswa di Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan google form dengan total responden yang mengisi kuesioner sebanyak 300 orang. Variable dependent yaitu konsumsi supplement multivitamin. Variable independent yaitu faktor sosio demografi (usia, jenis kelamin, Pendidikan terakhir orang tua, penghasilan bulanan keluarga, pekerjaan orang tua, lokasi tempat tinggal, sumber informasi). Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistic sederhana dan regresi logistic berganda. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi supplement multivitamin yaitu usia (α 0.000; aOR 1.341), pekerjaan orang tua (α 0.100; aOR 0.729), Pendapatan bulanan keluarga (α 0.001; aOR 3.103) dan sumber informasi yang digunakan remaja untuk mencari informasi mengenai supplement multivitamin (α 0.009; aOR 2.585). Selama pandemic Covid-19 pemerintah perlu menjaga stabilitas harga dan menjaga stock multivitamin agar selalu tersedia dan dapat dijangkau oleh semua kalangan masyarakat, hal ini karena selama pandemic Covid-19 berlangsung ekonomi masyarakat mengalami dampak yang cukup buruk sehingga menurunkan daya beli masyarakat termasuk remaja.
Kata Kunci : Remaja, Sosiodemografi, Konsumsi, Suplement, Covid-19
The pandemic of COVID-19 is happening all over the world. One population that has a high risk is teenagers. One of the efforts that can prevent exposure to Covid-19 is taking multivitamin supplements. This study determined the relationship between sociodemographic factors and consumption of multivitamin supplements in students in the Sumenep Regency. This study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. Data was collected using a google form with 300 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. The dependent variable was the consumption of multivitamin supplements. The independent variables were sociodemographic factors (age, gender, parents' last education, family monthly income, parents' occupations, location of residence, and sources of information). Data were analyzed using simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression. Factors related to the consumption of multivitamin supplements were age (α 0.000; aOR 1.341), parents' occupation (α 0.100; aOR 0.729), and family monthly income (α 0.001; aOR 3.103), and sources of information used by adolescents to seek information about multivitamin supplements. (α 0.009; aOR 2.585). During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government needs to maintain price stability and maintain a stock of multivitamins so that they are always available and accessible to all people; this is because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the community's economy has had a bad enough impact, reducing people's purchasing power, including teenagers.
Keywords: teenagers, sociodemographic, consumption, supplement, Covid-19
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