Pengaruh Massage Effleurage Terhadap Pengurangan Nyeri Persalinan Kala 1 Fase Aktif Pada Ibu Bersalin
Secara fisiologi nyeri persalinan mulai timbul pada persalinan kala I fase laten dan fase aktif. Nyeri yang dialami oleh perempuan dalam persalinan diakibatkan oleh kontraksi uterus, dilatasi serviks; dan pada akhir kala I serta pada kala II oleh peregangan vagina dan dasar pelvis untuk menampung bagian presentasi. Salah satu metode non farmakologi yang sangat efektif dilakukan untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan adalah metode effleurage massage yang dapat merangsang hormon endorfin yang berfungsi sebagai relaksasi sehingga ibu dapat merasakan pengurangan rasa nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh massage effluerage terhadap pengurangan nyeri persalinan kala 1 fase aktif pada ibu hamil di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Zuraidah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi Rancangan penelitian ini adalah one group pretest postest design tanpa menggunakan kelompok pembanding. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal tanggal 11 dampai dengan 25 Juli 2023. Populasi dalam penelitian ibu bersalin kala I fase aktif yang berjumlah 15 ibu. Pengumpulan data mengggunakan data primer. Analisis menggunakan wilcoxone, teknik analisa univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pengaruh massage effleurage terhadap pengurangan nyeri persalinan kala 1 fase aktif pada ibu bersalin yaitu dengan nilai p value = 0,000 < α (0,05). Data ditarik kesimpulan massage effleurage effektif mengurangi nyeri persalinan kala I. Diharapkan ibu dan keluarga dapat mempelajari teknik massage effleurage dan dapat melakukan praktiknya saat persalinan sehingga dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri, Mengingat teknik ini efektif dan ekonomis.
Kata Kunci : Massage Effleurage, Nyeri, Persalinan Kala I
Physiologically, labor pain begins to arise in the first stage of labor that includes latent and active phases. The pain experienced by women during labor is caused by uterine contractions, cervical dilatation, and the stretching of the vagina and pelvic floor to accommodate the presenting part at the end of stage I and stage II. One of the nonpharmacological methods that are very effective in reducing labor pain in women is the effleurage massage method that can stimulate endorphin hormones that function as relaxation so that women can feel a reduction in pain. This study aimed to determine the effect of effluerage massage on the reduction of labor pain in the active phase of the first labor stage. This quasi-scientific study was conducted at Zuraidah Private Midwifery Practice. A one-group pretest-posttest design was employed without a comparison group. The data collection was carried out from July 15 to 25, 2023. The population in the study covered 15 women experiencing the first stage of labor. The data were analyzed using Wilcoxon, univariate, and bivariate analysis techniques. The findings indicated that there was a significant relationship between the effleurage massage technique and the reduction of labor pain during the active phase of the first labor stage with a p-value of 0.000 < α (0.05). Hence, the conclusion was that the effleurage massage technique effectively reduced labor pain. Therefore, it is expected that expecting women and their families learn the effleurage massage technique and practice it during the labor to reduce pain, considering that this technique is effective and economical.
Keywords: Effleurage Massage, Pain, the First Labor StageÂ
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e-ISSN: 2615-109X
p-ISSN: 2442-4706
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