Stretch mark merupakan salah satu ketidaknyamanan dikehamilan yang akan menghilang setelah proses persalinan. Stretch mark juga dikenal dengan sebutan striae gravidarum yaitu perubahan anatomi fisiologi pada kehamilan yang bisa terjadi di daerah perut, payudara dan juga paha. Sering kali juga tanda stretch mark ini dijumpai di daerah areola ataupun vagina yang akan mengalami hiperpigmentasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis efektifitas pemanfaatan Cream tanaman lokal Centella Jantropa (terbuat dari tanaman daun Pegagan (Centella asiatica) jarak pagar (Jantropa Curcas), dan lidah buaya (Aloe Vera)) untuk mempercepat pemulihan stretch mark pada ibu postpartum di PMB Rosalina S.Keb.,Bd Medan Johor. Desain penelitian ini menggunnakan Quasi Experiment serta rancangan yang digunakan adalah post test only control class yaitu dengan cara membandingkan hasil observasi pada kelompok intervensi (yang diberi centella jantropa) dengan kelompok kontrol (yang tidak ddiberi centella jantropa).Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, Sampel adalah Ibu post partum yang meimiliki stretch mark di PMB Rosalina Munthe S.Keb.,Bd Medan Johot Tahun 2024 sebanyak 30 Orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah metode non probability sampling yaitu purposive sampling. Instrument dengan kuesioner dan menggunakan analisis bivariate dan univariat .Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa setelah intervensi didapatkan P value  yaitu <0,005 yang artinya α<0,05 hasil menunjukkan ada beda pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi setelah pemberian cream Centella Jantropa pada ibu postpartum di PMB Rosalina Munthe S.Keb.,Bd Medan Johor. Kesimpulan:Setelah pemberian cream Centella Jantropa pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi ada beda setelah pemberian intervensi.
Kata kunci : Stretch mark,postpartum,Centella jantropa.
Stretch marks are one of the discomforts in pregnancy that will disappear after the delivery process. Stretch marks are also known as striae gravidarum which is a physiological anatomical change in pregnancy that can occur in the abdomen, breast and thigh area. Often this stretch mark is also found in the areola or vaginal area which will experience hyperpigmentation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of Cream of the local plant Centella Jantropa (made from Pegagan leaf plants (Centella Asiatica), jatropha (Jantropa Curcas), and aloe vera (Aloe Vera)) to accelerate the recovery of stretch marks in postpartum mothers at PKM Rosalina S.Keb., Bd Medan Johor. The design of this study uses a Quasi Experiment and the design used is a post test only control class, which is by comparing the observation results in the intervention group (who were given centella jantropa) with the control group (who were not given centella jantropa). The research method uses an analytical survey method with a cross sectional approach, the sample is 30 postpartum mothers who have stretch marks at PMB Rosalina Munthe S.Keb., Bd Medan Johot in 2024. The sampling technique is a non-probability sampling method, namely purposive sampling. Instruments with questionnaires and using bivariate and univariate analysis. The results of this study were obtained that after the intervention, the P value was obtained which was <0.005 which means α<0.05, the results showed that there was a difference in the control group and the intervention group after the administration of Centella Jantropa cream to postpartum mothers at PMB Rosalina Munthe S.Keb., Bd Medan Johor. Conclusion: After administration of Centella Jantropa cream in the control group and the intervention group there were differences after the administration of the intervention.
Keywords: Stretch mark, postpartum, Centella jantropa.
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