Penelitian ini tentang peran mediator dalam sebuah proses penyelesaian perkara dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan restorative justice. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mediator sangat berperan penting dalam proses penyelesaian perkara melalui pendekatan restorative justice dengan mediasi penal. Salah satu peran mediator dalam mediasi penal adalah melakukan identifikasi dan merumuskan substansi negosiasi, sehingga tercapai kesepakatan perdamaian diantara para pihak. Â Mediasi pada umumnya lebih mewujudkan perdamaian dengan musyawarah dan mufakat berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama, namun dalam pendekatan restorative justice dengan mediasi penal lebih menekankan perdamaian berdasarkan pemulihan korban untuk kembali seperti keadaan semula. Artinya penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana melalui restorative justice ini, lebih memperhatikan kondisi korban, dimana pelaku bertanggung jawab dalam proses pemulihan korban untuk kembali kepada keadaan semula, dengan mengenyampingkan beban pemidanaan kepada pelaku.
Kata Kunci ; Mediator, Tindak Pidana, Restorative Justice.
This research is about the role of mediators in a case resolution process using a restorative justice approach. The research results show that mediators play a very important role in the process of resolving cases through a restorative justice approach with penal mediation. One of the mediator's roles in penal mediation is to identify and formulate the substance of negotiations, so that a peace agreement can be reached between the parties. Mediation generally brings about peace through deliberation and consensus based on mutual agreement, but the restorative justice approach with penal mediation places more emphasis on peace based on restoring the victim to return to their original state. This means that resolving criminal cases through restorative justice pays more attention to the condition of the victim, where the perpetrator is responsible for the recovery process for the victim to return to their original condition, by putting aside the burden of punishment on the perpetrator.
Keywords ; Mediator, Criminal Action, Restorative Justice.
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