Ulfa Husna Dhirah, Rulia Meilina, Raudhatun Nuzul ZA


Masa nifas adalah masa sesudah persalinan dan kelahiran bayi, placenta serta selaput yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan kembali organ kandungan seperti sebelum hamil dengan waktu kurang lebih 6 minggu. Masa nifas merupakan hal penting untuk diperhatikan guna menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi di Indonesia. Kegiatan pembinaan yang di lakukan yaitu memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan kepada ibu hamil trimester III mengenai penyembuhan luka perienem. Di Puskesmas Padang Tiji. Metode pelaksanaan mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi semua sudah terlaksana sesuai rencana. Hasil yang dicapai, publikasi artikel pada jurnal pengabdian masyarakat, tersedianya media KIE ( poster dan boklet efektif /mudah dipahami dan diterapkan). Dilaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan ke pelayanan kesehatan terdekat, dari peserta penyuluhan yang terdiri dari ibu hamil dapat memahami bagaimana cara perawatan vulva dan perineum pasca melahirkan, peserta penyuluhan antusias dan banyak bertanya serta mengerti penangangan pasca melahirkan.

Kata Kunci: Perineum, masa nifas.

The postpartum period is the period after childbirth and the birth of the baby, the placenta and the membranes that surround it needed to restore the uterine organs as before pregnancy with time approximately 6 weeks. The postpartum period is an important thing to pay attention to in order to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in Indonesia. The coaching activities carried out were providing health education to pregnant women in the third trimester regarding perineal wound healing. At the Padang Tiji Health Center. The implementation method starting from preparation, implementation, evaluation has all been carried out according to plan. The results achieved, the publication of articles in community service journals, the availability of IEC media (effective posters and booklets / easy to understand and apply). A health check was carried out at the nearest health service, from the counseling participants consisting of pregnant women who could understand how to take care of the vulva and perineum after delivery giving birth, the counseling participants were enthusiastic and asked a lot of questions and understood post-natal care give birth to.

Keywords : Perineum, Post Partum

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