Pandemi Covid-19 mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan penduduk dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Kondisi kehidupan mulai terasa tidak normal sehingga harus membiasakan kebiasaan baru dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Pembatasan aktivitas, menggunakan masker, jaga jarak, bekerja dari rumah, keluiah via daring, vaksinasi, swab, vaksinasi, karantina, dan bentuk social distancing lainnya. Situasi seperti ini memberi dampak terhadap psikologis manusia, salah satunya para mahasiswa Prodi Keperawatan Tapaktuan. dampak psikologis. Para mahasiswa banyak yang tidak merasakan sejahtera scara psikologis (psychologicall well-being). Dengan demikian diperlukan seuah intervensi psikologis untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui kegiatan Psikoedukasi (stadium generale) tentang “Strategi Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Psikologi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Mahasiswa Prodi Keperawatan Tapaktuanâ€. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 40 pserta yang merupakan mahasiswa angkatan I Prodi Keperawatan Tapaktuan Tahun 2021. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan para peserta sangat antusias dan aktif dalam kegiatan tersebut. para peserta uga sangat puas dan senang mengikuti kegiatan Psikoedukasi (stadium generale) ini karena berkat kegiatan ini mereka bisa mengetahui strategi yang dapat dilakukan di rumah walaupun dengan hal yang sederhana untuk bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan (psychological well-being) dalam situasi pandemi covid-19.
Kata Kunci : Kesejahteraan Psikologi, Pandemi Covid-19, Mahasiwa Prodi Keperawatan Tapaktuan
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected various aspects of the world's population, including in Indonesia. Living conditions began to feel abnormal so they had to get used to new habits in carrying out their daily activities. Restricting activities, using masks, keeping a safe distance, working from home, going out online, vaccination, swab, vaccination, quarantine, and other forms of social distancing. Situations like this have an impact on human psychology, one of which is the students of the Tapaktuan Nursing Study Program. psychological impact. Many students do not feel psychologically well-being. Thus a psychological intervention is needed to overcome these problems. One of the interventions that can be carried out is through psychoeducation activities (studium generale) on "Strategies to Improve Psychological Welfare during the Covid-19 Pandemic for Tapaktuan Nursing Study Program Students. This activity was attended by 40 participants who were batch I students of the Tapaktuan Nursing Study Program in 2021. The results of this activity showed that the participants were very enthusiastic and active in this activity. the participants were also very satisfied and happy to take part in this Psychoeducational activity (studium generale) because thanks to this activity they could find out strategies that can be done at home even with simple things to be able to improve psychological well-being in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
Keywords: Psychological Well-Being, Covid-19 Pandemic, Nursing Diploma Students Tapaktuan
Full Text:
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