Konsep kesejahteraan siswa tidak hanya menyangkut kemampuan mereka untuk belajar lebih baik, tapi dapat pula dipandang siswa memiliki bantuan terhadap kesulitan yang dialaminya, dan mendapat perlindungan. Selama ini, fenomena kehidupan lingkungan pesantren begitu mengkhawatirkan. Keadaan tersebut membuat peserta didik merasa tidak nyaman, dan memberikan efek negatif yang dirasakan peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, perlunya salah satu kemampuan aspek self fulfillment dalam meningkatkan school well-being. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ini cukup efektif dan bermanfaat bagi siswa dengan nilai rata – rata dari 12,78 (pre-test) menjadi 14,83 (post-test).
Kata kunci: school well-being, self fulfillment, siswa
The concept of school well-being is not only related to their ability to learn better, but can also be seen as students having assistance with the difficulties they experience, and receiving protection. So far, the phenomenon of pesantren environmental life has been worrying. This situation makes students feel uncomfortable, and has a negative effect on students. Therefore, it is necessary to have one aspect of self-fulfillment capability in improving school well-being. Based on the results of the evaluation, it showed that this training was quite effective and useful for students with an average score of 12.78 (pre-test) to 14.83 (post-test).
Keywords: school well-being, self fulfillment, student
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